Annual Convention March 28-29, 2025 | Online Registration
Early Bird Pricing till Jan 15, 2025 Chiro RegistrationVendors Only
The Chiropractic Society of Texas is a professional organization that supports principled, neurologically-based wellness care in a vertebral subluxation centered model.
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The Chiropractic Society of Texas is dedicated to the promotion and advancement of the science, art, and philosophy of pure Chiropractic by use of legal, legislative, and public means. Our membership advocates the protection of the science, art, and philosophy of pure chiropractic from medical or naturopathic additives by use of legal, legislative, and public means.
While focused on this task, our organization would actively encourage dialogue and action from all Chiropractic perspectives but never yield or compromise on the Principles of Chiropractic. The CST is an inclusive society that works to encourage unity, without uniformity. The only organization in the State of Texas that meets the criteria noted above is the Chiropractic Society of Texas.
Recent Articles
Chiropractic is Essential to Texas
Memo RE: Chiropractor's importance in this current climate of COVID-19 To: Governor Greg Abbott The Chiropractic Society of Texas has, at its core, a responsibility to protect Chiropractic in the great State of Texas. With this in mind, and in light of the current...
Dangers of HR 3654
Last week, the CST advised the Chiropractors across the state of Texas to OPPOSE HR 3654. Read that information here. I would like to further expand on why we chose to recommend opposition to this legislative measure. (HR 3654 is currently lobbied/supported by the...
Cover your bases
The TBCE recently issued another statement regarding how we, as practicing DCs in Texas, are to practice. Here is the exact release: Licensees should only provide essential chiropractic services for patients with current or recurrent complaints of pain or disability...